Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dental Discount Plans - Get The Dental Care You Need At the Price You Can Afford

By Gowri C

A smile can make even an ordinary looking person beautiful. Now imagine yourself with hollow spaces instead of teeth in your mouth. It wouldn't be the same would it? Of course, looks are not everything but there is also the small problem of eating, chewing and talking. Absence of teeth can affect every aspect of your life -social, physical and emotional.

That's how important teeth are.

Yet, as long as they don't bother us we don't bother about them. I brush everyday you say.

Yes, yes, you brush everyday or maybe even twice a day. But do you really care about them beyond that?

I know I don't. But a few years ago my teeth really started bothering me. I had terrible toothache and went to my dentist. He was appalled at the state of my teeth. He looked at me and shook his head. I was in for a big shock. I would be losing a lot of my teeth, my gums were in poor shape too, so replacing my tooth would be a problem too. On top of that it would cost loads of money. I wasn't prepared for it. I had no dental insurance, my health insurance company did not cover dental problems. I was in a soup.

That is when I discovered dental discount plans as I started researching my options. Let me explain how a dental discount plan works. By paying a flat fee once a year, you become member and gain access to all the dentists in the network under the plan. It's structured like a club, and members are able to visit any dentist within the network to receive treatment.

It's easy to find a dental discount plan for as low as 80 dollars per year that provides routine dental services for less than half the traditionally listed fees – and often much less – for services provided by dentists within the network Discounted fees have been negotiated and established by the company administering the network. You don't have to bother with paperwork, maximum limits, pre-existing conditions and so on. In short no restrictions on treatment. No limitations on how much you can spend in a year. No waiting periods.

From the schedule of payments and discounts you know exactly how much you need to pay for the dental treatment you are seeking. Now, isn't that simple. For folks like you and me who are self-employed dental discount plans are a blessing as they offer substantial discounts on most treatment options. You can take the best treatment that is advisable for you and not what the dental insurance company thinks is right for you. Yeah, that is right. For every dental problem that can be treated in several different ways the dental insurance company recommends the least cost treatment for all patients. It is not based on what the patient might require rather on how cheap it is.

Okay cutting the long story short, I finally managed to get dental care at lower rates than I would normally have paid and with out the hassles of dental insurance claim forms.

Try it. It's simple. It's easy. It's convenient.

C.Gowri author, webmaster and blogger.
Your Resource For The Best Dental Discounts Plans On The Web.

For Comprehensive Dental Insurance Plans Visit The Dental Insurance Plans Blog

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